Thursday 31 October 2013

Tools for Develop C Programs!

As programmer we need different tools to develop a program. These tools are needed for the life cycle of programs
First of all we need a tool for writing the code of a program. For this purpose we used Editors in which we write our code. We can use word processor too for this, but word processors have many other features like bold the text, italic, coloring the text etc. For programming purposes we don’t need these things we only need simple text. Text editors are such editors which save only the text which we type. So for programming we will be using a text editor. You can write programs in Tubo c++ IDE and DEV C++ Program.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Software Categories !

Software Categories
Software is categorized into two main categories:
  1. System Software
  2. Application Software

1. System Software
The system software controls the computer. It communicates with computer’s hardware (key board, mouse, modem, sound card etc) and controls different aspects of operations.

Sub categories of system software are:

  • Operating System
  • Device Drivers
  • Utility Programs

* Operating System
An operating system (sometimes abbreviated as "OS") is the program that manages all the other programs in a computer. The operating system is the foundation on which applications, such as word processing and spreadsheet programs, are built. (Microsoft)”.
* Device Driver
The device driver software is used to communicate between the devices and the computer. We have monitor, keyboard and mouse attached to almost all PC’s; if we look at the properties of these devices we will see that the operating system has installed special software to control these devices. This piece of software is called device driver software. When we attach a new device with the computer, we need software to communicate with this device. These kinds of software are known as device drivers e.g.
CD ROM driver, Sound Card driver and Modem driver.
* Utility Software
Utility software is a program that performs a very specific task, usually related to managing system resources. You would have noticed a utility of Disk Compression. Whenever you write a file and save it to the disk, Compression Utility compresses the file (reduce the file size) and write it to the disk and when you request this file from the disk, the compression utility uncompressed the file and shows its contents.

2. Application software
A program or group of programs designed for end users. For example a program for Accounting, Payroll, Inventory Control System, and guided system for planes. GPS (global positioning system), another application software, is being used in vehicles, which through satellite determines the geographical position of the vehicle.

Why Programming is Important!

Why Programming is important?
The question most of the people ask is why should we learn to program when there are so many application software and code generators available to do the task for us. 
The answer is as give by the Matthias Felleisen in the book ‘How to design programs’
The answer consists of two parts. 
  • First, it is indeed true that traditional forms of Computer programming are useful for just a few people. But, programming as we the authors understand it is useful for everyone: the administrative secretary who uses spreadsheets as well as the high-tech programmer. In other words, we have a broader notion of programming in mind than the traditional one. We explain our notion in a moment.
  • Second, we teach our idea of Computer programming with a technology that is based on the principle of minimal intrusion. Hence, our notion of programming teaches problem analysis and problem-solving skills without imposing the overhead of traditional programming notations and tools.”
Hence learning to program is important because it develops analytical and problem solving abilities. It is a creative activity and provides us a mean to express abstract ideas. Thus programming is fun and is much more than a vocational skill. By designing programs, we learn many skills that are important for all professions. These skills can be summarized as:
  • Critical reading
  • Analytical thinking
  • Creative synthesis

Monday 28 October 2013

Remaining Part Of Lecture 3: How to Write C Program.

# include <iostream.h>
cout << "Welcome to Virtual University of Pakistan";
We will look at this code line by line and try to understand them.
 >>> # include <iostream.h>
#include: This is a pre-processor directive. It is not part of our program; it is an instruction to the compiler. It tells the C compiler to include the contents of a file. You have to write this line. The sign # is known as HASH and also called SHARP.
>>> <iostream.h>
This is the name of the library definition file for all Input Output Streams.
The main is actually the one which is run when your program is used. A C program is made up of a large number of functions. Each of these is given a name by the programmer and they refer to each other as the program runs. C regards the name "main" as a special case and will run this function first. If you forget to
have a main function, or mistype the name, the compiler will give you an error. Notice that there are parentheses (“( )”, normal brackets) with main. Here the parentheses
contain nothing. There may be something written inside the parentheses. It will be discussed in next lectures.
{ } Next, there is a curly bracket also called braces("{ }").
cout << “ Welcome to Virtual University of Pakistan”;
This is known as out put stream in C and C++. Hence we use cout for output.
The sign << indicates the direction of data. Here it is towards cout and the function of
cout is to show data on the screen.

Sunday 27 October 2013

First C Language Program ! Lecture 3

* First C program
The best way to learn C is to start coding right away. So here is our very first program in C.
                     # include <iostream.h>
                     main( )
                                cout << "Welcome to Virtual University of Pakistan";
 Lecture is Still Continue... wait for next segment for detail explanation!

Thursday 24 October 2013

Prgramming with "C Language" - Lecture 2

History of C language:
The C language was developed in late 60’s and early 70’s, in Bell Laboratories. In those days BCPL and B languages were developed there. The BCPL language was developed in 1967 by Martin Richards as a language for writing operating systems software and compilers. In 1970 Ken Thompson used B language to create early versions of the UNIX operating system at Bell Laboratories.
Reading Material:
Deitel & Deitel – C++ How to Program
Tools to Write C Programs:
You can use Dev C++ Compiler to Write C Language Programs! 

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Introduction To Programming By Using "C Language" Lecture 1

Definition: "A program is a precise sequence of steps to solve a particular problem.” It means that when we say that we have a program, it actually mean that we know about a complete set activities to be performed in a particular order. The purpose of these activities is to solve a given problem.
Alan Perlis, a professor at Yale University, says: "It goes against the grain of modern education to teach children to program. What fun is there in making plans, acquiring discipline in organizing thoughts, devoting attention to detail and learning to be self-critical? "
Points to remember
The major points to keep in mind are:
o Don’t assume on the part of the users
o User Interface should be friendly
o Don’t forget to comment the code
o Program, program and program, not just writing code, but the whole process of design and development.

Monday 21 October 2013

Enabling JavaScript in Browsers!

JavaScript in Internet Explorer:

Here are simple steps to turn on or turn off JavaScript in your Internet Explorer:
  1. Follow Tools-> Internet Options from the menu
  2. Select Security tab from the dialog box
  3. Click the Custom Level button
  4. Scroll down till you find Scripting option
  5. Select Enable radio button under Active scripting
  6. Finally click OK and come out
To disable JavaScript support in your Internet Explorer, you need to select Disable radio button under Active scripting.

JavaScript in Firefox:

Here are simple steps to turn on or turn off JavaScript in your Firefox:
  1. Follow Tools-> Options
    from the menu
  2. Select Content option from the dialog box
  3. Select Enable JavaScript checkbox
  4. Finally click OK and come out
To disable JavaScript support in your Firefox, you should not select Enable JavaScript checkbox.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Computer Security!


Authentication is the action of identifying your digital identity. Get educated on passwords, encryption keys, facial recognition and fingerprint scanners.

Friday 18 October 2013

Download YouTube Video in Any Format!

How to convert and download a YouTube video: 
1. Paste your YouTube URL at 'Media URL' and press Continue. 
2. Select the format and the options for the conversion. The default options are for most videos a good setting. 
3. Press the 'Start' button at the bottom to start the conversion. 
4. This may take several minutes. After the conversion is finished you can download the converted file.